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Full Schedule of Charges

Please see the LHB Schedule of Charges for details on harbour charges for 2017/18.

The Schedule of Charges is approved annually by the Littlehampton Harbour Board and is broken down into the following sections:

  • Part 1 Introduction
  • Part 2 Definitions
  • Part 3 Harbour Dues
  • Part 4 Non commercial vessels
  • Part 5 Visitor charges, slipway use
  • Part 6 Personal water craft (PWC) and flyboards
  • Part 7 Annual berthing and storage
  • Part 8 Services and miscellaneous charges
  • Part 9 Commercial vessels
  • Part 10 Pilotage

Please note:

  • All rates of Harbour Dues are payable in advance. To qualify for daily rates, payment must be made at time of launch. Failure to pay Daily or Monthly dues in advance will automatically result in owners being charged the Annual Rate.
  • Tenders, if marked with the name of the parent craft and not exceeding 3 metres in length overall, are exempt from charges provided the dues for the parent craft are paid.
  • In calculating the length of any vessel, measurements are to be taken overall.
  • In accordance with Section 43 of the Harbours, Docks and Piers Clauses Act: evasion (non payment of Harbour Dues) will result in action through the County Court to recover 3 times the Harbour Dues payable.