Mark has spent over 30 years in the healthcare sector, starting out working for central government in the Department of Health in Statistics Divisions and working directly with Government Ministers. Here he was responsible for contributing to government white papers and key policy developments, such as the cancer strategy and improving data quality for the hospital episode statistics (HES).

Mark was part of the national team led by Professors Mala Rao, Don Nutbeam and Michael Marmot, contributing to the formation of health inequalities and improving population health outcomes. As a result, Mark is particularly proud to be accredited as a Fellow of the Royal Society for Public Health (FRSPH).

Since then, Mark has operated across NHS healthcare in various executive positions, leading analytical teams for CSUs and has held positions such as Director of Commissioning Intelligence for NW London, Head of Information Services for Homerton Hospital, Head of Performance for United Lincolnshire Hospitals, Senior Technical Project Manager for the CQC and Public Health partner delivering dashboard reporting requirements for Covid19 responsiveness for Birmingham City Council. He has contributed to STP models of care and more recently the ICS commissioning planning round.

Outside of work, Mark enjoys playing the guitar – mainly Spanish classical, flamenco and jazz – and one day would like to visit Ronnie Scott’s jazz club.